Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Letter - 9/29 {Garrett}


Yes, I got your package, thank you so much I log ether! You're the best mommy ever! The questions are fine, gives me something to do so not too bad! Good to hear Draper is going good. Sweet Isaac is doing great in HS! Make him do Student Gov haha and heck yeah he is hanging out with girls - that' show Lamb boys roll! Get him to start working out. Happy for Mallory - but maybe put her in dance or cheer or soccer! Those are the better ones. Kayla B is on the BYU cheer team - so maybe she will coach because she did it for a job, but then again she is only a freshman, so you'll have to let me know! Trust me you ain't as old and grumpy/ornery as people here so you're all good. haha - Happy Anniversary to the best parents on earth! Love you guys so much! I miss climbing so bad, my tough hands are gone so I'm gonna have to restart...so I don't blame Nate for climbing so much!


What was your biggest success this week? put C on date - Oct 8

What was your biggest challenge? trying to learn and practice what I learn and getting words in the conversation when my comp talks a lot

Who has been our favorite person this week & why? C - way funny and super cute, she gave me a friendship rock

What has been your most significant tender mercy? meeting people that have it really bad and serving them

What are you looking forward to this coming week? transfers, pretty sure my comp is gonna be Zone Leader

What can we do for you? stay safe, don't let anything bad happen

What time do you get up? 6:30am

Do you set an alarm? alarm on the phone

When do you get ready for the day? before study right after shower

Do you study one topic a week? no, different every day

Who chooses the topic? study what you're going to teach through the day and what you studied during personal study

What is your fave part of PMG? #10 teaching skills

What is your current fave scripture? Mosiah 3:7 and Mosiah 1-6 - it's about the atonement and it's a scripture that all the other missionaries don't use

What do you usually eat for breakfast? cereal, eggs, toast, bagel

If you have time to cook what is your fave breakfast? eggs w/bagel, french toast

What "tools" do you have to cook with? all of them

What time do you leave the apartment? 12:00

Do you drive or walk? drive because of comp's foot

What is the "bike situation"? in a bike area but not riding right now

Do you ever proselyte on "main street" or in the shops? no

What time do you usually eat lunch? 11:00am

How long is your lunch? 1hr

What do you usually eat for lunch? rice, burrito, chicken, potatoes, sandwiches, salad, lots of fruit/veg

Do you share groceries with comp? no

What time do you exercise & what do you do? 6:30-7am

What time do you have to be in at night? 9-9:30pm

What time do you go to bed? 10-10:30pm

Do you shower morning or night? morning

Is it easy or difficult to fall asleep?  EASY! hahaha

What time do you leave your apartment on P-Day? 8-9am

What time is P-Day over? 6pm

Do you eat most of your dinners with members? no

Do you go to the laundry mat every P-Day? No, Bro F does our laundry

What do you usually do on P-Days? play game in Manito Park, shop

What is the hardest thing you have ever done on your mission so far? staying positive and having the will power to forget about things that are annoying

When have you felt the Spirit the strongest? during lesson with instigator that is about to get baptized, he is 18 and I was on exchanges with Elder T also w/J w/Elder T - pretty much the whole day

What strengthens your faith when you feel down? a whole lot of praying, and pushing through it

What do you wish you had learned before leaving? get my mommy to get me a good camera

What skill are you most glad you do already have? will to serve, natural street smarts, leadership, talking to people, the desire to learn

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