Monday, September 14, 2015

Email 5 {Garrett} - keeping busy! (and pictures!)

Hey Family!!!!!
Tuesday 8 - P-day - we play baseball and everyone in my zone has the skills of white people hahaha I think our family is full of super athletes because no one here can play sports hahaha - I also got a hair cut and the mean old man took away my curls.... I'm really upset about it hahaha

Wed 9 - So pretty much all that happened was Bro. Fletcher guessed my future hahaha... He talked about what my wife is like and looks like, what my kids are like and how many and predicted a few other things like how I'm gonna die and that they will bring me back to life... hahaha but other than that everything else was way good so I wouldn't complain if it was right hahaha but all of it is a crock he says and then after he says but I'm 95% right so far with all the missionaries he has guessed hahaha

Thur 10 - Had a solid lesson with D.... and her boyfriend M... (found out he read 29 pages of the BOM the first night and was reading until 3:00 am!!!)  So now we can count them both as new investigators, so go us! hahaha We then helped an older member put back together a way old lamp, I think it was pretty expensive but we got it working so no big deal! Then after I scared her dog somehow and it peed all over her house hahaha whoops!!! It's getting harder to teach people because I teach with the spirit so I hate butting in and my companion and older lady will talk until your ears fall off hahaha and my comp knows the lessons so well I think he goes on auto when he's teaching so I just have to sit back and watch sometimes

Fri 11 - Figured out the trainers like to throw you under the bus in lessons - whenever we talk about Joseph Smith I have to say what he wrote about it and let me tell you I just bomb it every time hahaha - I mess it up so bad, it's way funny! My comp can't not laugh when I do it hahaha. But the good side is I've got down how to give a blessing, I think because we've given so many already, it's sweet! Also we had a lesson with a 9 year old girl (C....) and I killed it. I love teaching kids they are way funny and I can connect with them a lot more!! Mostly because I don't know any of the big words either hahaha 

Sat 12 - Saturday was my favorite day because I named it Service Day! We did so much service! We helped with the day of service at the church and pretty much did everything you can think of with yard work  and then we helped an older guy clean off his roof and so I got to climb up there and then Bro Fletcher had me crawl in a spider infested basement area and I cut myself on a nail trying to fix his heating pipes but I got it so now he can be warm at night! Then I climbed up a huge tree to help cut down a huge branch that broke off but we never got it off the rope, the saw didn't work hahaha... I'm not sure if the President is gonna be happy with all of the climbing hahaha. I also found out how to make the coolest candle heaters ever. I will send a pic next week!

Sunday 13 - I got to bless a home for the first time so that was cool! And we finally got Sister H... to church and C.... came too, so it was the first time we got anyone to come! The babies were going crazy and an old guy gave his talk and wouldn't sit down hahaha it was way funny! But Sister H.... was smiling the entire time! Also we taught a lesson to the cutest family ever with so many kids I couldn't count! hahaha but they were all blonde and we also gave the dad a blessing because he was all stressed out because they recently just moved in and then we had the best peach cobbler ever! hahaha 
Overall it was an amazing week and it went by so fast!! I'm in the process of getting people to think I'm not a greenie anymore because I've caught on to this whole thing very well I think so I'm starting to enjoy it a ton more and I just want to visit everyone but after 8:00 pm my comp wants to go in because no one ever answers, but I want to just keep going - I think I've got the greenie fire they talk about hahaha!

Love you all so much! Miss you tons! 

Love Elder Garrett Lamb
p.s. everyone laughs at my name hahaha

{Garrett sent pictures - finally, lol - yay!}

temple trip

big hospital in area

no clue - gotta be a story here - guess we will have to wait until next week to hear it!

spending lots of time up high!

yeah - I know - I should've taught him to take pictures :( - lol - but this is a boat that is made into a car

crawling into the dark scary place under the house to fix something...good thing he is a brave & handy boy!

up in a tree...chopping down some big broken limb

that face though.... ;)

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