Monday, September 28, 2015

Email - 9/28 {Garrett}

This week was by far my favorite week so far, it was filled with a lot I feel like! and it was fun!

Monday 9/21- I realized that I've been out more than a month which is crazy because I don't feel like it, my comp went and got his MRI on his foot so I went with the zone leaders and my comp went with Bro Fletcher, it was a pretty fun day! I think the ukulele is my new passion I love playing it on free time! After PDay was over my comp wanted to help fix a car of Bro Fletcher's son, and ended up taking all night...

Tuesday 9/22-  Went to the foot doctor and my comp doesn't have anything wrong! hahahahha so funny he thought for sure he ripped it!!! hahaha  but good new is no surgery for him!  I was laughing way hard because he has to go through the exact same things I went through with my shoulder but with his foot and I told him how bad it sucks and he was like I'm just gonna cut it off! hahaha taught B which is hard because he doesn't listen and taught Sister H and she had a close friend just die so that was sad to see... 

Wednesday 9/23 - Was such a fun day!!! Went on exchanges with Elder Terry and it was such a good day we taught so many people and my heart just poured out to all of them because they all had such a sad story!! Which I loved loving people because I've been having a hard time doing that in our area. Also learned that being yourself and talking to people is the best way to find people because they shut you down so fast if you go strait into the gospel so I've been having a ton more success with that!!! The work is moving forward way faster now!! Also gave my first blessing today which was way scary!!!(said the blessing not the oil part, so it was cool)

Thursday 9/24 - Good day but kinda slow until dark which is weird because it's usually the other way around here! Everyone goes to bed as soon as its dark which is soooooooo weird to me I can't wrap my head around it!! It's 8 o'clock and no one is out and the houses are completely dark so the last hour is hard to keep going... met a lady that left her previous life to join the church which was truly an amazing story, she is was awesome! There has to be a special place for those kind of people that can over come that trial!!!

Friday 9/25 - Had district meeting, went to Cost we get 70% off {or 60, you know, either way - that business rocks!! - a} and it made me miss water so much... went to physical therapy andIi turned up the shocking things on my comp and his foot was jumping it was so funny! hahaha he got mad after but it was worth it!!! hahaha 

Saturday 9/26 - Did a stupid greenie quiz, I hate being new, everyone puts you under them and I hate it... I just wanna get past this stage and it will be so much better!!! It's funny out here missionaries have to come up with excuses to prove that what they are doing is right and I'm always like just follow the spirit and don't be stupid! They all judge me like I'm a bad rebel guy but they are so weird it's funny! hahhaha ........totally got attacked by this rot-wilier and it got hold of my leg!!! hahaha it was so bad I don't know why but I wasn't freaked out at all I was more pissed that it bit me but it had a hold on me for a couple seconds and I was so mad I didn't do anything to it so my comp thought I was gonna get rabies hahahaha so I had to go home and clean it out hahaha. Looks like I should have gotten that shot! hahahaha oh well, I'm fine now so no worries! God is protecting me!! But it brought back bad memories about my long board crash and so I was laughing telling the story hahaha then the conversation turned into I've almost died so many times and the Lake Powell story I told at my farewell came up so it was some good laughs!! Hopefully I live through this all hahaha  We also saw a car smash into the rock wall on the free way and flipped over many time it was bad!!! But I swear the entire city was watching it after it happened! Not many exciting things happen here hahaha. We also had a solid lesson with C and we put her on date to get baptized and she gave me a friendship rock and then ran up and gave me a hug and it was way hard to tell her I can't hug her because I hate turning away hugs and she is so funny and cute to teach so that was an almost bad thing.

Sunday 9/27 - Got two new investigators that are solid and had the funniest meeting ever with the ward mission leaders and stuff and this one lady is way old but acts younger than me which is hard because I'm always dancing and singing and being weird to my comp and he hates it hahaha. But we get along really good so it's no big deal! I also found out why it's so hard to be a greenie because no one trust you deep down and my comp/trainer is really super passionate about the work so he always is talking and always has to be the first one to say something so it's hard to get what I want to say out because once he starts he doesn't stop! hahaha but oh well, I think I figured out a way to tell him so I'll let you know how it goes! But it was pretty much the best week yet! 

{me:  dad wants details on the dog bite!}
him:  I didn't know whose dog it was - I walked by it and it was just growling and we knocked on the door and no one was home and I was walking back and it attacked me! hahahha Then my comp used his walking stick to whack at it... he bit and it didn't tear through my pants

Gotta go love you more than anything hope everything is going good love you all so much!

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