Monday, September 7, 2015

Email 4 {Gregory} - short but sweet!

FACTS f=family a=area c=companion t=testimony s=service: {this is what he sends to his mission president each week....}

F- My family is doing good! Everyone is safe and working hard back home!

A- Santa Barbara is tough! but me and Elder Willis are working super hard at it and getting a lot of work done! We have four new investigators, three of which have baptismal dates! Super exciting and very encouraging for the ward members!

C- Me and Elder Willis are starting to get along really well. We worked out all our stuff and have been working hard ever since! He is a great trainer companion. Love him!

T- My testimony this week is on prayer and how much strength and comfort can come from praying. Every chance I get to be on my knees I can feel myself grow an even better relationship with our Heavenly Father and my prayers have more meaning! It's been awesome!

S- We did some service for D.... again this week and got her all moved out! She was super grateful and it was amazing knowing that I was representing Christ while doing it! 

{Elder Gregory is trying to figure out his "system" for writing...he likes to handwrite & mail letters - which is awesome - but then his emails were a little bit repetitive...same info.  So.  We are trying out a new thing where he writes the details of his week and mails the letter, and then his emails will be, umm...something else, lol.  This week this is pretty much all we got - hopefully going forward we will get a bit more!  Until then...hopefully his letter will show up by tomorrow!)

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