Monday, September 21, 2015

Email - 9/21 {Garrett}

Hey here's the weekly update email! 
Okay so real quick I don't have much time so I print out all the emails I want to read so I can read them later at night! That's why I love hand written letters because I can do them whenever! and also just learned that I can print out pictures at Walmart so go me hahaha so be ready for some sick pictures! hahaha might be black and white mostly because it's cheaper to print  And I'm not gonna write much about today I'll put it in next week's email but I have picked up a new hobby of playing the ukulele, it's how everyone passes the time here it's sweet! hahhaha

Monday 9/14, last p-day we played marshmallow dodge ball and it is insane! haha it's a game that is allowed and everyone uses it to take out all their energy and anger haha i got the worst welt on my neck!! hahaha looks like a hickey whoops!!! hahahahahahhaha good times hahaha but man when those marshmallows are going fast it hurts on bare skin! But wrestling did me well because I was dodging those things like it was my job! hahaha so wrestling did help me in some way!;) 

Tuesday 9/15, woke up in the morning wanting to die! I was so sore from playing marshmallow dodge ball I went way too hard hahaha I couldn't sit or bend over or walk all day hahaha so I just stretched during work out time hahaha but I decided Sister H is the best less active ever!! She can roast anyone with the gospel with a smoke in her mouth hahaha she is so funny! But she is coming to church and working on her Word of Wisdom problems and is working to go to the temple which is way awesome!!! Today was a solid day we had 5 less active lessons which is a ton in one day! 

Wednesday 9/16, today Bro Fletcher came in our place and decorated our apartment with Halloween decorations which was awesome! So I stopped studying and helped him hahaha I couldn't focus I was so happy to decorate, I'm still a child hahaha. Also he brought a skeleton hand back scratcher hahaha so that is my new favorite thing! I found the biggest leaf today it was as big as my face! Bro Fletcher called it an "Adam leaf" hahaha sounds about right to me! I've started to miss music and we went to Costa which was nice because I listened to that music and also we get 60% off there so that's sweet!! 

Thursday 9/17, had a lesson with Sis. H and C which are both progressing less actives and they are gonna be such solid members now!! An older guy(member) came out with us and he is way nice pretty much the best grandpa figure ever! Then again he almost cut off his leg with a chain saw during the service last week hahaha.... Yesterday was Halloween stuff and today we put up a Christmas tree scented candle in our room and my comp made eggnog cookies so the smell didn't match the rooms hahaha whoops oh well! 

Friday 9/18, had a specialized training today and learned a ton! My Pres. is deep doctrine master hahaha but during the creation the sun moon and stars were made the sun to rule the day and the moon to rule the night and the starts were made to give light and are signs! Well the Big Dipper and Little Dipper are related to the gospel!!!! I love it every night it's so sick!! and also we had a ward corn feed and we all just went and ate Mexican styled corn which is so good!! and fresh apple juice!!! 

Saturday 9//19, not much happened today just a normal day but I've come to be really interested in deep doctrine! It's cool how history and science back up the gospel! {why, yes, I did tell him to stay focused on the basics :) }

Sunday 9/20, Went to church and Sister H came all three hours and talked to the Bishop! The next step in awhile is the temple! Had dinner with a member family and the two sons wrestle! So it was fun to talk to them about all of it! Today we found out we stopped by a house last week that was a do not contact he will shoot you and we didn't know hahaha so that was intense! 

But that sums it up, love you guys tons!! Love Elder Garrett Lamb

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