Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Letter - 9/23 {Garrett}

Moma & Papa -

Thanks so much for the package!! It came at just the right time when my other package was running out! Mom I filled out these papers so don't lose them - haha! Good luck! And everything in the package is perfect so thank you, you always get it right every time! Dad thank you so much for the letter you sent me! It means a ton and was wonderful advice and spirit builder! Sounds like Bear Lake was a blast! Kind of mad you guys went without me - but sounds like Dad knows his way around those shores! I hope you guys don't get caught in a bad storm on a lake because I can't come to the rescue and save ya in times of danger! hahaha But so grateful I was a twin, because it would be hard to get along with a companion if I didn't already have the practice for it, hahaha. Also so glad you guys taught me how to work hard and to serve! I always want to just keep working because when I'm not working it's a lot harder. So every time my energy gets low I think of a time when we were helping out a family! Dad, Greg, and I were pushing a full sized fridge/freezer up a stair case! and while we're doing this we started to get tired halfway up the stairs and all o a sudden I hear Dad start to sing "Put your shoulder to the wheel"! Every time things get hard I think of experiences like that one and just laugh and keep moving forward! Now I just need to figure out how to fix being bored when I'm out here haha but thank you for everything you do! Love you so much!

PS - love the stamps you sent me!

Questions o'the Week:

Biggest success this week? getting 1 less active member to Sacrament and 1 investigator to church

Biggest challenge or concern this week? talking to everyone, my companion talks a lot so I'm trying to get something in every conversation

What was your goal this week? getting along with companion :)

What is your apartment like? 2 bedroom (1 for sleeping other for exercise),  bath, kitchen and living room, work out bench, massage chair

Where do you do your shopping? Walmart

How goes the budgeting? not bad at all!

Do you always cook or eat out? I always have to cook

Do you cook with comp? What is the best thing you cook? separately, rice bowls

What would you like to know how to cook? lemon rice

How often do members feed you? Best/Worst food? Not too often, maybe once a week and a half - potato salad with too much seasoning

Tell me about your area, how do you get around? car because of companion's foot but it is a biking area, Spokane 1st, it's right out of downtown so bottom of our area is a little sketch at night, top of it is really nice big and old homes

How do you typically proselyte? street contacting and referrals we only knock doors that are on our ward list

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