Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Email 3 {Garrett} - 1st Week in Spokane

This first week was awesome/sucked hahaha... the first part got really smokey and ash was coming down so we had to stay inside... but it finally rained!! which I loved because I was messing around in it and it got rid of the smoke, plus I think the wind changed!

Fear busting was funny because the first lady totally owned me hahaha and then the next lady we gave a BOM and taught the entire first lesson to her and then ran into a guy that collects pretty much everything and is crazy because he doesn't use internet or trust the government hahaha people down here don't use electronics because of it hahaha!

My trainer is Elder Christenson, he has a boot on so we get a part-time car for our area so it ain't bad but I still haven't even ridden my bike yet hahaha. I'm in the Spokane 1st Ward so I'm just right out of downtown and it's up on a hill so it's a pretty good view of the city! The interview I had with the President was kinda weird but really cool! But missionary work really ain't that hard to be honest... it's harder to wake up at 6:30 and walk around everywhere than everything else! The food the first week sucked because they only gave me a little money to buy some food but I now finally got some healthy food to eat so I should be good! I miss going out to eat at yummy breakfast places!!! i'm pretty sure i'm going to Ruth's as soon as I get back!! But I thought I knew how to cook but I really don't! hahaha But the first two lessons I did I felt like I killed it, its the stopping someone on the sidewalk that I don't know what to say because no one really wants to talk to us! People here ain't nowhere near Draper folks hahaha... everyone is missing several teeth or smokes/drinks or they are rude (some guys flipped us off and said f you to us as we were talking to a guy hahaha) but overall they are pretty funny. I kinda just laugh at them hahaha but the most annoying thing is when they break promises... everyone says they will do something and never follows through... But our neighbor Brother Fletcher is a way cool guy! He always takes care of us like doing our laundry or feeding us or just joking around! He also knows a tons about the gospel so I just ask him any questions I have hahaha so it's nice having him close by! The big cathedral is just right up the hill from us so hopefully I can go look at it and maybe go inside, I found out they still use it for church meetings! It's nice here up on south hill but the rest of the places we call it the more humble part of town so it ain't as pretty but the trees here grow talllll!! They are way pretty, most of them don't have branches starting until it is higher than the houses! 

It's funny because really I'm not talking to the people it's the Spirit, because when I don't have the Spirit I can't talk for some reason hahaha, but I had a lesson with Sister R... (a less active older lady) and she has a problem with smoking so as I was telling her instead of smoking to help you relax try reading the BOM to do it she thought the same thing, so the Spirit told us both what needed to happen so hopefully she will try it! We met some atheists that were really nice and it was weird because they said they didn't believe in God but they were trying to help us come up with counter answers to other religions, hahaha and then by the end of it they admitted they might believe in God and if they were to join a church they would join ours! hahaha but they were stubborn and just won't talk about it after that because I think they realized what they said hahaha... 

But I came out here with my comp who's the District Leader and we have been making all of our goals and breaking new records but still don't have a solid investigator, so hopefully we can find one this next week! The rest of the Elders and Sisters here are really nice, everyone hugs everyone - that is that we are allowed to hug hahaha, so it's kinda nice how everyone is close family! Going through the airport was funny because iInoticed that all the other newbees that I was with were really book smart but they all had no street smarts hahaha. President and Sister Dymock are really really nice! I'm actually heading to the temple today and they and all of the Assistants will be there too so it will be really cool! All the stories that we tell are about family, friends and loved ones back home that I remember fun stories with! Sundays are the best days because church is relaxing and it's a lot more peaceful that day, plus we were walking around and ran into this guy spraying turkeys with his hose trying to get them out of the trees above his house hahaha! There are wild turkeys and squirrels everywhere!! haha Overall I love it out here! It's amazing when it rains here and then clears up, the air is so fresh and it's really pretty! 

I have found out that prayers are really answered out here and it's amazing, so I have to thank Nate for that and knocking on random doors doesn't work at all so thank you Nick hahaha. And members are boom! Sunday we had a dinner at a member's house and it was ribs so we ate really good that night! hahhaa

Love you tons! 
Love Elder Garrett Lamb

Happy Birthday, By the way!!! Love you tons and Mallory looks awesome out in the soccer field! ...pics wont load so I'll have to do it next week love ya!!

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