Monday, September 28, 2015

Email - 9/28 {Gregory}

1  - What was your biggest success this week?
Leah is doing awesome and finally is giving up smoking :)

2 - What was your biggest challenge?
Finding new people to teach... there is no one!

3 - Who has been your favorite person this week - and why?
the dunns haha there funny :) and of course my family and sabrina :)

4 - What has been your most significant tender mercy?
the power of prayer haha its real ;)

5 - What are you looking forward to this coming week?
Transfer calls ;) jk haha im funny :) umm doing service at the food bank with leah? i dont know!

6 - What can we do for you?
Just keep finding ways to bring me comfort and help me not be so stressed out and home sick:)

me: why you stressed?
haha yes this area is awesome :) and I don't know I'm just like freaking out haha I can't believe I've almost been gone for two months but there is still so much time left 

F- My family is doing awesome! same old same old! and my Brother in Spokane is doing great!

A- This area is tough haha super hard finding people but we are doing are best and working hard!

C- haha like I said I'm here to work hard and love my companion and if I don't then well I'm gonna fake it. We are doing a lot of great work I think!

T- The Power of prayer is my testimony this week. My exchange with Elder Gregory was soooo awesome. and he left me with the advice to "Vent in Prayer" so I took that advice and it has helped sooo much. 

S- Lots of service this week!! it was awesome!! Elder Gregory and I did service at the food bank and then this car broke down in front of our apartment and so we helped them push it off to the side of the road and then went and got gas for them so they didn't have to walk to the gas station and then afterwards we gave them each a Book of Mormon and they gave us their address and yeah it was awesome! I love doing service and I hope more opportunities keep coming to serve! We also did service for the D's and for a less active named J. It was a good week full of service!

Elder Gregory and Elder Snyder wanted me to tell you how I was going to be a "two feet in missionary" and so here is how!
-I'm going to do my best to be perfectly obedient.
-I'm going to work my hardest at all times no matter what.
-I'm going to love my companions or at least fake it so that the work can always progress.
- And most importantly i'm going to have fun doing all of it. this is something that I wish I could be doing more of. the days I look back and think "wow what a fun day" have also been the most productive and successful days on my mission so far. Missionary work is suppose to be fun right? So that's how i'm going to put both feet in!

Anyways I have to go so I will talk to you next week!! I love you lots mom :) thanks for everything :) tell the family I love each and every one of them soo much thanks for being my best friends :) Love you bye!!!!

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