Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Letter - 9/2 {Garrett}

Love and miss you tons! I miss you in every part of my day! But the most of all is during meals! No joke, I had a full on salad and an orange for dinner because I felt so unhealthy last week so I don't think I'm getting fat anytime soon! Also I work out in the mornings so I ain't getting fat just buff! hahaha Hope our birthday was fabulous! I'm so grateful you're my mom! Couldn't ask for a better one! I gave a blessing today and the mom talked about her past surgery ow she was comforted that she would see her child again after it all because of the blessing. Really cool experience but almost started to cry remembering ou! But two things I'm glad you taught me 1) learning how to love and 2) learning how to keep promises! So many people here will look me in the eyes and promise me something and then they never follow through, it's really annoying. I truly hope your bday week was amazing! I love you so much!

Oh, so way cool story - I'll email more about it, but a guy named Warren Mathwig passed away recently but he was really known in this town. He built a building that looked like the golden plates and everything was seen over by him and the prophet, he was actually set apart by the prophet to build the building. But I'm gonna write the whole story out so I remember it. But the way cool part is his son was out front when we were going to visit the wife. We got talking and he gave us some way rare Book of Mormons from that event! There's only 140 of them made until SLC headquarters shut it down. {hmmmmm - ok - lol...anyway!} It is the same book but different cover and pictures in it and a bonus page that has all really cool facts like when it foretells about Columbus. I'll send pics it is way cool! I love it and I thought I would never love a book hahaha! But I love you tons and always will forever and all eternity!

Love, Elder Garrett Lamb

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