Monday, September 21, 2015

Email - 9/21 {Gregory}

Hello President Felix,

F- My family is doing great! They want to know everything about my life but there's too much going on haha but maybe that's a good thing!

A- This area is awesome. The work is awesome. The ward is awesome. We gave talks on Sunday and I think it went good! 

C- Just trying to get along! We are super duper different and I have to let a lot of things go so that we don't argue 24/7 haha I'm just doing my best to love him and keep working hard.

T- I know that reading the Book of Mormon everyday everyday everyday will bless my life because already in just one week I have seen it bless my life. and I know it will bless others lives too! 

S- We only did 1 hour of service for brother U this week.... I want to do more service but we just don't ever do it.... I am here to serve others whether they are gonna listen to my message or not so hopefully we will find some more people to teach!

We gave L a blessing, well actually our ward mission leader Brother N gave it to her and we stood in the circle. What are the rules on that? Anyways thank you so much for all you do President Felix and thank Sister Felix for me as well! looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!!

Elder Lamb

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