Monday, September 14, 2015

Letter - 9/14 {Gregory}

Tuesday September 1, 2015 - So today we started out by giving our car to the zone leaders so it could go get fixed which meant we basically went the whole day without a car... So we did service for a lady named D with the Los Olivos Elders and they drove since yano (we didn't have a car...lame) Anyways that took pretty much the whole day then we got picked up by a member named RJ who just got home from his mission like a month ago and he drove us to an appointment we had with an investigator and you'll never guess where we parked? In the parking lot of SANTA BARBARA PAUL MITCHELL!!!!!!! Anyways haha:) So we went and taught a lady named J who is from Jamaica and it went all right, she had to be somewhere so it was a super short visit. Then we went back to the car (right next to Paul Mitchell:) and got in the car and RJ realized he lost his parking gate ticket thing haha so we had to pay $15 to get out and when I say we I mean I... I had to pay $15 to get out of the parking garage that we were only in for twenty minutes......yeah supper annoying but oh well:) Then he drove us to our dinner appointment with the B...  dinner was good:) then Brother B drove us to our apartment where we then met with the zone leaders and they gave us our car and yeah pretty cool day I guess:)

Wednesday, September 2, 2015 - So today was super lame haha we woke up, did the usual stuff like working out and studies then we went to all our appointments and literally every single one fell through like legit every one of them haha so we did pretty much nothing all day besides read the Book Of Mormon with P which was pretty cool but still yanno? haha anyways:)

Thursday, September 3, 2015 - But today on the other hand was crazy awesome haha like complete opposite of yesterday. It was so awesome I just cant even haha;) We went a visited B the less active and (first I have to explain that we were supposed to go do our other stuff first but then Elder Willis said we should go see B first. So that's what we did) and so we got there and parked and B was down in the parking garage with her friend M so we invited B up to visit with her for a bit then we invited M as well and M said no. So we said okay maybe next time then we went up and all of a sudden there was M bringing us food, so we invited her again and she said no she had stuff to do. So then we said well here take this Book of Mormon and we will meet next time and she said okay and left.. thennnnnnn she came back hahahahaha. Changed her mind, said she would join so we taught her the restoration, invited her to be baptized she said yes and boom just like that we had three baptism dates;)

Friday, September 4, 2015 - So today was an interesting one other than the fact that I fell asleep while working out cause I was so tired hahahahaha. We taught L today about the word of wisdom and invited her to stop smoking and she said yes! So cool haha oh and we had zone meeting which was pretty cool haha and then we met with M, he's a member so that was cool haha and then we had dinner with the S family, very very very nice family haha they invited this old guy over though (who was wearing a dope bolo tie) and he had like Alzheimer's or something because he was legit crazy hahahaha like legit crazy haha so dinner was interesting!! 

Saturday, September 5, 2015 - Today we did the usual working out and study that we do everyday so I'll fast forward to after lunch. We went and saw B and then I saw the dopest car ever. It's called a "Maclaren" it's a European car!  Then we had dinner at the D's and they sent you a picture and yeah:) Oh and they gave us some chocolate milk cartons which I then sat on and it exploded all over me hahahaha depressing but yeah:) Oh and I heard the coolest quote, "Lack of hope stunts growth." So that's cool I think:)

Sunday, September 6, 2015 - Today was Fast Sunday, church makes me depressed still haha:) I did the calculations and I only have 100 Sundays left!! Anyways then we had dinner at Bishop R's house and they invited the W's over and guess what? Every single parent in the room was a doctor! haha Then we went and visited the M family and Sister M has a brother serving in Malaga! Oh and our zone leaders snuck into our apartment and scared us half to death haha but yeah:)

Monday, September 7, 2015 - Happy Labor Day!! and P-day:) awesomeness:) So today after chores and shopping we then went and played ultimate frisbee with our district at the park which was cool I suppose;) but I stepped in dog poop which really ticked me off:) Anyways then we had dinner at the N's home and they had a BBQ party haha and they live in a mansion so that was cool:) Then we went and saw the B's and they have the coolest most unique house! 

Tuesday, September 8, 2015 - Today was gonna be awesome and we had our whole day planned out and everything fell through and we went through all our plans in like two hours haha:) Seriously we knocked on like 30 doors and not a single person answered haha it was crazy! Up until Brother N took us out to get dinner at this Mexican restaurant called Ruby's and it was seriously so so so good haha like so good:) After that all of a sudden our day like turned around haha we met with J but he was gone so we met with his son instead who is like 17 I think and we invited him to be baptized and he said yes!! So that's four now haha:) and this ward said we wouldn't baptize;) Then we met with the F's and the K's were there and the K's are seriously so awesome haha like so so so awesome:) Great Family!! And all of a sudden we looked at the time and we were supposed to be meeting with the Los Olivos Elders for exchanges and we still had to go visit Sister P and take her trash down when all of a sudden she called us and said to not come tonight and come tomorrow instead (total miracle) and so we went and met the Los Olivos for exchanges! So I went to three apartments with Elder Tofatofua to do Spanish work tomorrow... and sense he is like brand new we both don't have tipi cards so we can't drive so we have to walk all tomorrow... I hate my life ;)

Wednesday, September 9, 2015 - Today was absolutely terrible  hahaha ;) we had to walk everywhere;) then our dinner appointment fell thru cause the B's forgot but I handed out 4 Book of Mormons so that was cool!! :)

Thurday, September 10, 2015 - I am back with good old Elder Willis today;) and it was a billion times better than yesterday;) hahahah so we had a lesson with L which went great:) She is so awesome it's amazing how hard she is trying to give up smoking to get baptized :) Then we had weekly planning which of course takes forever. Anyways after we were done we went to the E's ranch/home. And they have so much land... and like a fishing/swimming pond in the front yard like for reals is the coolest thing I have ever seen like ever. We hopped in his truck and he showed us around all his property and just yeah it was dope:) and then we visited this J lady who is married to a non member and is less active and she was super duper super nice until we asked her to come to church and then she made it very clear that it was big fat no haha:) Oh and we drove the APS today! 

Friday, September 11, 2015 - Elder Willis got a package today and when he opened it there was soap all over everything hahahaha and the funniest part is that his mom zip locked everything except for the shampoo hahahaha like the one thing that needed to be in a bag haha he was so mad:) Anyways then we had a district meeting and then we did service for D until we had dinner with the B's. (Not the same B's as the ones that forgot about dinner) and they took us to eat at The Habit!!!! The Habit is like all over in Santa Barbara hahahaha:) So funny:) Oh and did I mention I threw away a dead rat? It was huge and nasty haha oh and that there are so many nasty big spiders here...... its terrible and freaky......... Anyways;) Then later that night we met a guy named J LAMB!!! He isn't a member and so I think we are going to start teaching him!!!! How cool would it be if I baptized some Lambs?:) Oh and earlier today there was a drug bust in front of our apartment! Like 20 cops were there haha anyways;)

Saturday, September 12, 2015 - Today was my one month mark!!! Im 1/24 the way there!! :) :) yay!! and what did I do to remember this day you ask? I had an awesome lesson with L and I asked her for her cigarettes to help her quit smoking and she said yes! So now I have a box of cigarettes hahaha:) Then we had dinner with the C's who are the most recent converts in the ward (back in February) and have the cutest baby girl in the whole wide world! She is so cute I can't even haha! Then we went to the adult session of stake conference which was way cool haha and President and Sister Felix were there so that was awesome! Oh and Elder Willis put a metal pot in the microwave hahahaha so freaking funny it like almost exploded hahahaha anyways;)

Sunday, September 13, 2015 - So today was Stake Conference which totally blows hahahaha but oh well normal church still makes me more sad so maybe it's not as bad :) Anyways afterwards we had lunch with one of the three M's family in the ward and it was the one where Sister M's brother is in Malaga Spain! Oh and she also went to the Paul Mitchell in Provo!! So that was pretty funny! They have cute kids too haha:) Then we had dinner with the W's who live in the middle of nowhere haha it was so awesome! Like for reals so awesome they live a life without TV and video games:) Oh and we had an awesome lesson with J and his son J! Oh and the W's have wild turkeys and pigs and bears like in their back yard haha cool huh?:)

Monday, September 14, 2015 - So today was P-day!! Went to shoreline park and played frisbee! Then we had dinner with the H's and a lesson with L!! :) 

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