Monday, August 31, 2015

Email 3 {Gregory} - 1st Week in Santa Barbara

Okay so... 

Monday August 24-  Today was the day I entered into the field!! Me and Elder Crook woke up at 4:45 am and got ready to go! We got to the airport and flew to Arizona! From there we flew along the coast all the way to Santa Barbara! At the airport I loved talking to everybody on the phone especially you and Sabrina! Once we landed we got off and President and Sister Felix were there to greet us! They are so awesome, like seriously great people, love them to death! They drove us to the beach and we had a snack (Couldn't go on the beach though... lame) then they drove us to a place called "The Cross" which is on a mountain overlooking all of Ventura! Seriously so beautiful haha, then we went to the mission home and had dinner and then they paired me up with Elder Landt (Who was in Elder Bakker's zone in the MTC) who is a visa waiter, he is supposed to go to Argentina!, and sent us to a member's home for the night! Best night's sleep I've had in forever hahaha.

Tuesday August 25- So we woke up and went to the mission home and had breakfast and then we drove to the church for some orientation stuff  and then we had our first transfer meeting! We met everyone and introduced ourselves and then found out who our companions and areas were gonna be! So my companion is Elder Willis he is from Chester, Virginia and has been out for seven months! We are assigned to serve in the Santa Barbara Area!!! it's a huge area and they whitewashed us so my trainer companion, Elder Willis didn't even know what to do once we got there hahaha... my area is beautiful, though, and like super expensive too haha... like Oprah Whimpfrey and that Ellen Digentauris chick live in my area! {I had to leave the spelling because it was too funny! - a}  Brother Nolan is the ward mission leader and he served in Vietnam and was injured three times and has cancer from the chemical warfare so he is pretty intense, haha but super awesome guy! He converted to the church when he was 28! 

I got your greenies package haha thanks so much :) My apartment is kinda a dump so i don't know how I feel about you sending mail straight to it... but I don't know how else I can get mail? sooooo yeah I don't know! We then went and read the Book of Mormon with a less active and went to an Elders Quorum activity so that was all good!

Wednesday August 26- So it was a tough day, I was really not having any fun and I still am kinda not having fun haha, but oh well, fake it till I make it! So we met a potential named R.... who says yes to everything but being baptized haha.... then we went and read the Book of Mormon with a less active who had brain surgery so is a little off... kinda sad... then I accidentally called an 801 number hahaha oops because its 805 for Santa Barbara hahaha and then we had dinner at the Day's house and they are awesome and he's in the bishopric - great family!!

Thursday August 27- HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!!! Anyways so today we met with a lady named L.... and we invited her to be baptized and she said yes!!! So awesome! How was your birthday??? I don't think I'm getting an ipad any time soon... lame

Friday August 28-  So there's two Elder Gregorys and they're both Zone Leaders, hahaha funny, and we had District Meeting today so that was cool! President and Sister Felix paid a surprise visit  and my District is super cool!

Saturday August 29-  met tons of crazy people.... I have no time to tell, I'm depressed now...

Sunday August 30- good Sunday and I invited a guy named J.... to be baptized and he said yes! I'm so cool I know haha, so now we have two people getting baptized already!!!

I'll send pics next week when I can or something...!
Tell Nick I love him and tell the rest of the family I love them, hope all is going good!

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