Saturday, August 22, 2015

Email 2 {Garrett} - MTC

So, thank you for all of the letters and packages - they make the day better, but yesterday they came in 15 different ones so I can't figure out how to put them together hahaha {I may or may not have used dear to cut/paste a bunch of conference talks that their good buddy Zane had asked his family to send I figured my boys might like them, too!  lol....hey - cut/paste/click and they print/deliver to him?  heck yeah I'm gonna do that! - a)  But I'm glad to see pictures! I'll start sending them when I'm out in the field! promise!!! 

My flight leaves at 8:30 {Monday}  so I'll be calling before that so be up a couple hours earlier!!!  This week went by so fast I can't believe it is over!!! Hopefully you figure out that shot thing - sorry dad for calling hahaha probably scared you hahhaha! We got one of our investigators to commit to being baptized!! So that was really cool!!! My district is the best, we joke around and laugh a lot so it makes the days go faster but we still get our work and studies done so no worries!!! I'm so excited to get out in the field!!! MTC is prison... but it really is the best prison! Me and Zane sat next to each other during pretty much the entire field orientation so it was way nice to see him! I always see Greg every night and Grant everyday! So it is way nice! I'm super jealous of Mitch and how he's already out!! I'll be sending you some letters that are for other people so just pass them out and no worries, I'll send you stuff when I'm out in the field, these are mostly thanks you letters but I hate not having a ton of time so I've got to go maybe I'll get on later! 

Love you tons! Can't wait to hear more about life back at home when you guys stop being sad hahaha...

Love you, Elder Garrett Lamb 

{then I responded with a few comments/questions and got a bit more.. - a}

Yeah I'll try better I promise, my comp is just annoying he doesn't have anyone to email so I have to be fast..... but personal letter are better than talks ps hahaha and if you do send talks put down a way I can piece them together!!! {I had no idea they wouldn't get to him as separate letters...I sent them as separate emails!  oops! - a}
I promise I'll be better! love you tons!!

Oh, I finished the first talk it was really really good!!!! thanks you and it is funny because letters and packages make you rich in the MTC hahaha 

Oh and also we did a tie draft and they were really ugly so the entire day I wore the ugliest tie hahaha so that was really fun! (Tie draw is when you put your name tags in a bag and they randomly pull out an ugly tie and a name) Elders here get really bored after a week hahaha some Elders did the sprite and banana challenge, it was way fun but gross!! (you have to eat bananas and sprite it makes you throw up no matter what! hahaha look it up on youtube it's way funny those elder went crazy) We play volleyball during gym time! I wreck everyone, wish I had my boys to play some games with!​ But I do gotta go, promise I'll do better! Love you tons! Tell me more about what's going on at home and send pics! Love you!!

{'s hoping that he gets a companion in the field who actually wants to use his email time!! - a}

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