Wednesday, August 19, 2015

MTC Photos {Gregory} - Week 1 - MTC

Yay for pictures!  Elder Greg managed to have a "real session" in the computer room, which resulted in not only a nice informative email (yay!) but also pictures - lovelovelove seeing his happy smiling face! 

(most of the pictures I don't have descriptions for - if I do I will add them, otherwise, you know, just enjoy :) )

This is Elder Crook - Greg's companion - he is from Lyman Wyoming and Greg LOVES him!  Says they have the same sense of humor and get along great!  (yay!)
Elder Rodriguez

Elder Hoernberger (sleeping, lol) - Elder Rodriguez

Elder Hoernberger & Elder Call

Elder McGary & Elder Rodriguez

roomies :)


roomies :)


But seriously - how cute - and clever!! - are these boys?!?  Love to see that behind those white shirts & ties he is still my Greggy :)  Lynn sent the boys both a box on the way home from dropping them off at the MTC...he wanted them to have something in the "mail" right away so they wouldn't be too sad & homesick (when Nick was in the MTC Lynn worked at BYU - let's just say that he got a LOT of packages, lol, and in the process Dad really learned all the ins & outs of sending packages!) - we stopped at the Mexican grocery store and got chips & salsa & some soda thing....Greg said they needed to find a way to keep the salsa cold, and since his companion had duct tape this seemed like a good solution!  He said it worked really well, lol....seems to me that duct tape is something that should totally be added to the packing list!

and one more of that bright smiling face, for all of us to enjoy!

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