Sunday, August 16, 2015

First Letter {Gregory} - MTC

Hi Mom and Family!

So seriously so much has happened and I have no time to write at all and yeah, I have tons to tell and no time to tell it!  Wednesday is my P-day and I got my flight plans! I leave August 24 on Monday at 10:55 am and get to Santa Barbara at 3:7 pm. Anyways, I will totally email you all about my days so far but my companion is Totally Awesome!! He is Elder Austin Crook and he is from Lyman Wyoming! We get along great. Thank you so much for the package and your letters mom, they bring me seriously so much comfort - I love them! I seriously have so much to tell it's awesome! I go and see Garrett in his room every night. It's awesome having him here especially in the first couple days. Anyways so let's begin.....

Wednesday - sucked so bad - so much info it's crazy - met my companion Elder Crook and we get along great. Met my district (classroom) and teachers.

Thursday - sucked so bad - tons more info and I wanted to come home sooo bad. Met Branch Presidency and whole Branch.

Friday - a little better but still sucked - had service and gym which was super relaxing then tons of class time.

Saturday - awesome...sucked...awesome - I was doing awesome then had a problem then it was awesome again, so that's good!

Sunday (today) - has been so much better! Been great so far!!

I will go into more detail in my email on Wednesday!!

Thanks so much for the candy and notes, tell Grandma thanks for me!!  (ps - those were from MOMMY - Grandma & Mally helped do the notes, oh well, I guess credit isn't needed, lol - a)

Mallory left the cutest note ever.

I see tons of familiar faces here! I've seen all my friends and everyone I know from school! Elder Austin Carroll from high school is in my zone and he is awesome!

I got the worst collar rash but I'm good now.

I'm teaching INNA FINDLAY as a fake investigator!!  Haha - so funny.

I will go into major detail in my email this Wednesday. Sorry this letter sucks compared to yours. But I love you and miss you and the rest of the family!!

Love, Elder Greggy

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