Tuesday, August 25, 2015

3rd Letter {Gregory} - Arrival note (some repetitive stuff from email, but some not!)

Hey Mom and Dad!

So after we talked on the phone and I said bye we flew along the coast to Santa Barbara and it was awesome! The Santa Barbara airport is super cool! We then got off and met President and Sister Felix and their assistants! They are awesome, super nice and loving. We then drove to the beach and just kinda hung out and had some snacks then from there we went up this mountain in Ventura to a monument called "The Cross" and it overlooked all of Ventura! Super beautiful sight with ocean on one side and farming land on the other! Then we went to the mission home and had dinner and just hung out and talked over some stuff then me and Elder Landt (who was in Grant Bakker's zone at the MTC) were paired up to go and sleep at Brother and Sister Overton's house and it was the best night's sleep I have had in awhile! They also served in the same mission as Quinn I think! Anyways, we woke up today, had breakfast and now some meetings. So all is well and I already like this more than the MTC! haha.. The President is awesome and I find out who my companion and are is later today! My PDay is on Monday. Anyways, I love you guys so much, thank you so much for everything!!! Talk to you as soon as I can! Tell the rest of the family and Sabrina that I love them too!

Elder Greggy Lamb

Elder Lamb with President & Sister Felix

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