Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Email 1 {Gregory} - MTC

Okay soooo here I go.

Wednesday- Went to class and met my district (Classroom) who are:

Elder Call- From Colorado springs serving in San Fernando California. Went to BYU for a couple years, super cool kid.
Elder Hornberger- From some small town in Utah and wrestled at Bear River High. He was suppose to go to New Zealand but his visa didn't go through so now he is going to Tempe Arizona.
Elder Rodriguez- From some town in Illinois close to Chicago. Serving in San Fernando California He is pretty cool and is our district leader.
Elder McGary- From South Jordan Utah and went to Bingham High School.
Elder Crook- He is my companion and is from Lyman Wyoming haha super small town I guess. He is going to Ventura as well! We get along super great, he is way funny which has helped so much being in the MTC.  Love him to death!

Then there are three sister missionaries in my classroom in a trio companionship:
Sister Smith -From Ogden Utah and is going to San Fernando California.
Sister Groberg -From Spanish Fork Utah and is going to San Fernando California.
Sister Capener- From Pleasant View Utah and is going to Ventura California as well! She went to Weber High School so she knew Coach Eure haha.

All of us Elders are in the same room and all the sisters are super cool so that's Good! And in the other District there are five more Elders and Sisters going to Ventura so 8 total in my Branch and 16 going on the plane to Ventura!

Thursday- Sucked soooo bad haha. All I wanted all day was a hug from mommy and I couldn't so since me and Garrett are in the same residence building (but he's on the first floor and I'm on the third floor) anyways I went and just like got a hug from him because otherwise I would've been screwed haha so yeah I go talk to him every night, thank goodness he is here! We met our Branch Presidency who are:

President Callister- Served in London England! He is awesome.
Brother Hobson - He is a convert to the church! He also taught at West Point academy and I told him about how I got a letter from them to wrestle and he said he could hook me up. He is Awesome.
Brother Eddington- Served in the Pacific Northwest Mission. He is Awesome and he was a wrestler!

I also got collar rash and it was terrible but I'm good now haha oh, and Elder Austin Carroll (from high school) was in my zone! He left to Washington D.C yesterday though.

Friday- So my classroom teachers are 

Brother Lim- He is always happy like always even when he is mad hahaha...  he teaches some good stuff!
Brother Holmquist- He is super funny haha and a really good teacher! and me and Elder Crook teach him as a "Fake Investigator"

So, yeah, we taught our first investigator (Bro Holmquist) playing as Carlos and we actually didn't do terrible haha but we still sucked. And we found out who our TRC fake investigators would be and you'll never guess who me and Elder Crook got assigned... Inna Findlay!! I couldn't help but laugh hahaha.

Saturday-  Me and Elder Crook studied outside and ate chips and salsa it was seriously so awesome haha but then we had to keep the salsa cold so to my surprise Elder Crook had duct tape so we duct taped the salsa to the air vent on the ceiling and it totally worked hahaha so awesome. Elder Crook and I have the same sense of humor so we play off each others jokes and stuff and just yeah we get along great. We taught Carlos again and we did so much better than the first time so that's good.  I got doughnuts from Sabrina but we were fasting for Sister Maguire (a girl in my branch) because her mom passed away on Friday and she is staying out which I could neverrrrr do so nobody die unless you want me to come home. But yeah everyone keep her in your prayers! Saturdays are cool since we have so much study time.

Oh and we received our departure dates! Me and Elder Crook and all the others going to Ventura leave on Monday the 24th!! Our flight is at 10:55 at SLC airport and we fly to Phoenix and have a layover till 1:50 then we get to Santa Barbara at 3:27pm!!

Sunday- was super awesome. We had sacrament and priesthood meetings with our branch and then that night we had a devotional where the "Nashville Tribute" band came and played and it was totally awesome. Then we watched a video about Characters of Christ and it was amazing, haha made me want to become a totally better person. Then me and all the people I knew talked all night since a bunch of them were leaving the next day!

Monday- So we taught Inna on Monday and she destroyed me and Elder Crook with questions hahaha so embarrassing.... but it was good for us haha. In the classroom we had a sub teacher because Brother Holmquist went out of town and the teacher was Sister Hafen she is usually a French teacher and served a mission in Paris France... So.... Cool..... she is by far the best teacher I have ever had in my life in any subject haha. She is going to BYU right now and isn't married or anything sooooo tell Nick or Nate or something;) jk haha cause I'm pretty sure if you did Elder Call who is basically in love with her would kill him hahaha and also because Nick and Nate are already gonna get married while I'm gone... Lame. Anyways she was super cool. Me and Elder Crook taught Sister Hafen as fake investigator Joanna and it was by far our best lessons, the spirit was so strong and just went totally great.

Tuesday- Was awesome but I totally was dying for a P-Day so yeah a little long haha anyways not much happened other then we taught Sister Hafen again and it went really good and me and the other Elders in my class had like arm wrestling contests and I totally beat everybody even though I'm the smallest one haha so basically I'm jacked;) jk... but also I did the most pull ups so maybe I'm not kidding... but then we did stuff with our legs and I got wrecked hahaha so yeah oh well. Oh and my brand new suit pants ripped........................ so I took them to the seamstress and got them fixed. :) Anyways now today is Wednesday my P-day!! It's been so crazy to see how every trial I have God gives me a tool I can choose to use to help me through it. Super cool.

I have gotten more letters and packages than anybody else in my branch haha so they all hate me besides my companion until I share with them hahaha but yeah maybe hold off on the packages until I'm in Ventura because I leave Monday morning!!! So if you do send any make sure I get them before then!! Thank you so much for all the ones I have gotten so far hahaha it is totally awesome. And tell Grandma thanks for the candy and notes and tell Mallory thanks for the note she left me haha sooo cute. Tell everybody in the family I love and miss them! Especially you and dad!!

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