Sunday, August 23, 2015

2nd Letter {Gregory} - wrapping up the MTC

Hi Mommy!

Happy Happy Birthday on the 27th!! I love you so much! You are seriously one of my best friends and I am so grateful I got to grow up in our family with a mom as cool as you :) Seriously, thank you so much for everything you do for me and are still doing. You and Dad are my heroes and I don't know where I would be without you in my life! I hope you have the most amazing birthday ever! I'm sad I can't be home to celebrate and go see a movie or something so just do something with Sabrina to make up for it :)  So I guess I should tell you about my week!!

Wednesday August 19 - My first and only Pday here in the MTC haha - best day ever! I loved being able to "talk" to you and just yeah :) Did you get my pictures? So, in the morning we went to the Provo Temple which was nice and all but the coolest part was I met this old lady with alzheimers and the only thing she could remember was how proud of her family she was, it was so sweet. But yeah, other than that not much happened that day :) Oh, and Brother Eddington served in Garrett's mission1 Cool, huh?

Thursday August 20 - All we did today was in-field orientation haha it was terrible and a total waste of time like honestly so lame. But I got to see all the new missionaries and I saw a kid who wrestled at Weber High School and a kid who wrestled at Bingham!

Friday August 21 - We woke up and had service and gym time which is always awesome and I weighed myself and am losing weight (140 lbs)!! Anyways, then I had lunch with Garrett & Grant! I see my friends tons haha, it's awesome and especially Zane! It's so awesome, and Garrett of course :) Then we taught Carlos then we taught Inna which is always good seeing her :)

Saturday August 22 - We had a TRC member lesson which went really good, at least that's what me and Elder Crook thought. But the guy in charge didn't think so because it was supposed to be 30 minutes and we only did it for 15 minutes, hehe, so whatever :) Then we had the last classroom instructions with Brother Lim and Brother Holmquist which is awesome :) and pretty much last everything...

Sunday August 23 - So I leave tomorrow and I seriously can't believe how fast time has flown by!!! We went to sacrament today and then me and Elder Crook had to teach priesthood on repentance and it actually went really good. We then had the departure devotional and then we had the Sunday devotional and this Brother Allen guy is like manager of the missionary program, which was cool. But then we came back and got packed and ready to go at 5:30am tomorrow!!!! I had to say bye to Garrett, though, which totally sucked. But we talked for awhile and then we had "twin companionship prayer" which was totally awesome and said our goodbyes, haha. It sucked and I totally cried but he is going to do so many amazing things :)

Anyways! Thank you so much for the package, I can't wait to call you tomorrow :) Thank you for everything. Thank you for always being there for me. Thank you for not only being my mom but also being my best friend, I love you!

I feel like I'm forgetting so much but just know I love you and miss you and am so grateful for all you have done for me :) Happy Birthday!

Tell the fam bam Hi!! How is everyone doing? How is Isaac liking high school??? Tell everyone I love and miss them!

Elder Greggy Lamb

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