Monday, October 5, 2015

Email - 10/05 {Gregory}


1  - What was BEST about this week? I am getting transferred to Solvang so i get a fresh start :)

2 - What was hardest about this week? L is giving up on us and it is really sad

3 - Tell me about you always go in to the mission home, like everyone goes? How does that whole scene work? We go down to the ward in Ventura and have a big testimony meeting for everyone who is leaving and then the new ones coming in and we switch companions and yeah!

4 - What has been your biggest "aha!" moment so far? No wonder i miss home so much because i have been blessed with the coolest family and best girlyfriend in the whole wide world haha;) and that conference is way cool when you actually care and pay attention hahaha

5 - What are you looking forward to this coming week? meeting my new companion and going to a new area!! It's exciting!!  I'm way bummed I'm leaving this ward because the families here are totally awesome, but yeah there's a good chance I could get sent back here so no worries right?? :) I've heard a ton of cool things about Solvang and the candy and treats they have there so I am way excited!! 

6 - Did you get to watch conference? Where/how/with who?   with all the missionaries at the Stake center!! it was cool! I loved loved loved Elder Holland's and Elder Nelson's talks on mothers and women haha thank you so much for everything mom, I love you so much :) I have the best women in my life, I really do :)

Hello President Felix!

F- My family is doing just awesome haha they are having fun and working hard! 
A- This Area was an amazing area it truly has benefited me in so many ways. I'm sad to leave but I am so grateful to move on and have a fresh start!
C- Elder Willis is a great missionary. We have our differences for sure but he has helped me in so many ways and he is going to really turn this area around for the better! 
T- Having faith. This conference I realized that my faith has really been lacking. That it isn't just enough to pray and read the scriptures. So I am going to really be putting my faith and trust in the Lord especially going to a new area! It will truly be a good new start and I hope I will be able to serve more faithfully!
S- Service this week was truly so awesome! I guess when you ask for something and really search out for it then it usually comes!! We helped a lot of families in the ward this week with things around their house and helping them move! I love serving and I love the people here. It's been awesome!

Thank you so much President Felix for your guidance and counsel. for always being so in tune with the spirit while directing this great work! 

Elder Lamb

my first District

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