Monday, October 19, 2015

Email - 10/19 {Gregory}


1) tell me a funny story from your week:  There's one in the letter I'm sending ;) not really that funny though hahaha

2) tell me the biggest/best thing that you have learned so far: That Satan is a big fat meany head hahaha and that this gospel is pretty dang cool

3) tell me a habit you have been able to create that has helped you - or one you already had that you are so glad you have because it has made mish life easier - and/or one that you wish you could go back and get rid or or know, just "habit overview - the good, the bad, the ugly", lol.....ummm I don't know there's a lot of habits!! Just being friendly is a good one I think ;) I don't know haha more importantly though is hi mom!!! :)

 PS the package you sent me is totally awesome thank you so much :) even though you sent me a ton of things I don't need ;) haha thank you thank you thank you :) seriously it made my week :)

President Felix

F- My family is doing great as always!
A- The area is doing awesome! Working with the ward a lot to start getting this area really going!
C- All is well.
T- Showing Heavenly Father we are willing to do the work by planning out our days and going out and following those plans and being where we needed to be when we needed to be there! and also the Member Fast! It was so humbling to see how much the members wanted to feed us and how much they cared about whether or not we were getting something to eat. Truly I think this Member Fast was a great idea!
S- Lots of service can be done when we look for it! Did service for a member and a less active and a non- member! fun stuff!

Elder Lamb

{so - Member Fast..what have you been eating while cooking for yourself?} yupppp haha so I had a lot of chicken or PBJ or cereal ;) haha just whatever was here :) some pasta and what not haha :)

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