Monday, October 26, 2015

Email - 10/26 {Gregory}

Hello President Felix!

F- My Family is doing great!! 
A- This area just keeps getting better and better haha lots of hard work to be done and people to teach and serve so it's been a fun filled busy week!
C- Things are good.
T- "Perspiration instead of inspiration"  Our High Priest group leader gave that little line and it stuck out to me a lot! Are we going to just say a prayer and hope that everything works out or are we going to say a prayer, go out and work hard and make things work out with a prayer in our heart all along the way? I hope we all are going out and doing rather than waiting from our Heavenly Father to just make everything happen for us!  You know? haha I don't even know if that makes sense but yeah :) The point is we should say a prayer and then go out and do rather then say a prayer and wait to know what to do. It goes along with showing God the faith we have that he will prepare a way for us as long as we do what hes asked us to do and that's serve!
S- Lots and lots of service haha its awesome! Hopefully it keeps coming or way.

Anyways, let me know if theirs anything I can/should Do!

Elder Lamb

"This Halloween, may the only ghost who comes to stay 
be the Holy Ghost to guide your way.
May the only spirits you chance to meet 
be the Spirits of love and friendship sweet.

funny poem from President and Sister Felix hahaha:)

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