Monday, October 26, 2015

Email - 10/26 {Garrett}

hey hey hey hey!!! 

This week was interesting, always something new hahaha lots of weird events 

Mon 19-Tue 20 - not much happened Monday besides interviews and Sister Dymmock helped out a lot with teaching me how to deal with comps so good news is me and my comp haven't fought for a whole week so that was good!! We got a referral for a 12 year old (less active coming back to church) and he is gonna set us up with his friend so hopefully it works out!! and also put KW on date for the 14 Nov. but I'm positive it's gonna be put back a little bit. Then Monday night legit was a bad night because we got woken up in the middle of the night by a dog... I woke up and thought an elk got hit by a car and then I heard it again and and looked to the right and then heard it again and it was actually to the left, hahaha takes me a little to wake up. Then I saw the dog in the middle of the road after a car's headlights shined on it and then ran over it and then it got ran over one more time before Bro F got out there and shined his flashlight on the dog and they finally started to dodge the dog then they had to put it on a wood board and carry it off the road and some how it was still alive but I have never heard that noise from a dog before it was so sad it would scream like an elk every time it got ran over.....

Wed 21- we offered a ton of service today and no takers - p.s. if missionaries say "can we help you?" make them do something because they really will hahaha. We had a hard time getting in with people because every apt. fell through... but I picked up my suit from the dry cleaners which was sweet because discount haha but everything was super clean but they couldn't get Amanda's makeup stain out of the shoulder from homecoming hahaha to be honest not upset at all that it stained it because it reminds me of good memories hahaha

Thur 22- taught the W's again and still waiting on the for sure date for his baptism, it's gonna be hard because both his mom and grandma aren't supportive enough to come to church with him... found out Sister J's (an older sister that always gives us  food) brother died... so we went to go give her a blessing because it was getting really hard for her... then helped a super nice family the F's move out of the ward and they are moving back to Utah and he is working at the Grease Monkey or Jiffy Lube next to the Pro Stop in Draper back home!!! So look out for him, he is tall guy that would be blonde but he's bald and he loves working on tires hahaha, so it's a small world!

Fri 23- EXCHANGES! I love them so much, this time I went with just the YSA Elder Morrison that lives with us but we had such an amazing time and tons of success!!! We found a new potential investigator C and everyone we talked to was a solid conversation! I took him to meet Sister H who I realized was my first lesson and he loved visiting with her and we had a solid lesson! It's always fun teaching her because she always teaches me something new and she is super funny!!! I wish you guys could meet her!! We also went to Sister C's and she is totally changing around for the better!!! She is getting into the apt. and out of the crazy Phoenix halfway house and she is getting her VA benefits finally coming up pretty soon that she has been trying to get for 25 years so it was apparently a big mess so it was really good to hear that she is doing better! Also had the trunk-or-treat and so free food and the kids in this ward are so dang funny always running around! So that was sweet!!

Sat 24- was sweet, we didn't get in white shirt until after 1 hahaha, we had a ton of moves and service for the morning so that ended the exchanges so it was a solid time!!! So aka it was two elders that were brand new only two months and we killed it and it was so much fun! But sadly it ended but it was alright because we went and gave a church tour to J, a new investigator dating one of our LA that did a 180 and is on her way back to coming to church! We went and talked to Bro B while he was making his own flies for fishing and the R family fed us and we found out everyone in their family is working on someone to invite them the church and take the missionary lessons!!

Sun 25- got woken up at 2 am by a drunk lady outside that was going crazy!!! She took out the street sign and almost got hit by a car and the cops had to come get her put her in a strait jacket and take her away hahahaha  but that sucked waking up, couldn't fall back to sleep... went to church and found a guy that looks like Greg!!! kinda hahaha me and Bro F were trying to decide if he was or not but he's not really but a lot like him hahaha. Fall is still here and the leaves cover everything everywhere and it's so much fun to play in them!!! I feel like this is the longest Fall I've ever been in!! 

Hope everything is going great back home where you guys are! love you so much!
-Elder Garrett Lamb

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