Monday, October 12, 2015

Email - 10/12 {Gregory}

Hello President Felix,

F- My family is doing great I think! Probably just the same old same old!

A- There's a lot of work here in Solvang! Lots of people to teach and just yeah it's good!

C- After being with Elder Levis for a week I have come to realize why you had me with Elder Willis and how much he helped me. So I will just keep working hard and hopefully I can see why you have me with Elder Levis!

T- Listening to your counsel and trusting that you know what is best for me! Like I said I know exactly why you had me with Elder Willis and in Santa Barbara, it's just too bad I realized that after I was gone. So what can I do to realize why you have me here in Solvang with Elder Levis before it is too late? I want to enjoy all of this and have a positive attitude and be a leader! So what can I do?

S- Not much service this week, like an hour with a lady named Sn who is confined to a wheel chair so it was a really humbling experience to be able to help her out!

Elder Lamb******

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