Thursday, October 15, 2015

Letter - 10/15 {Garrett}

Mommy! Yes, I totally want a hat made! haha that would be sick! Send it with my Old Navy black jacket (it's probable in the bins I packed!) and sunglasses.  But heck yeah Isaac is lady killer, haha, that's what I like to hear! Also that's awesome Mallory can ride her bike now! And nate is killing me with all the rock climbing, I want to go so bad, can't wait to go with him to all the cool spots! Kansas sounds cool! But Washington is super pretty too! :) haha and I'm sure closer too :) ! Thanks for the Walmart card! Now I get to celebrate Halloween a little with candy!! Hope dad is doing great, looks like he's a cook now! Love y'all so much! Thanks for everything!


When was the last time you laughed with your comp? What makes you laugh in your area? mostly it's me laughing and my comp thinking I'm weird haha, there isn't us both laughing mostly just me and there are super funny people around here that have such weird ideas!

When was the last time you saw an answer to prayers? Gave Sister H a blessing and the Spirit told me exactly what I was supposed to say, she was cringe after and that's a lot because she is a tough lady!

What do you like about your comp? twins are way better comps but when I draw a blank on what to say he jumps in, been learning more from Elder Terry my ZL

Are here any inside jokes in your mission? Not really, mostly my own inside jokes and Marshalees joke around with me about be brown and white

How are your clothes and feet holding up? clothes are good, wish I had more ties, feet are good - barely use them

Have you found any new investigators from your area book? no - new investigators are slow in this area

What was your fave meal from members? ribs and second was french toast

Are there street vendors in your area? no, kinda a street fair/farmers market every week but comp won't go to it

What has been your fave P-Day activity so far? marshmallow dodge ball

Do you do a lot of service? What? bark, digging, trash, moving, moving shelves, yard work, cutting branches, fixing heating vent, and more

How many progressing investigators do you have right now? 405 and new one is C

How much do you work on retention? are there lots of less active members? most of the work is less active work!

What is your fave/least fave smell? fall!! and weed/smoking

How often do you do laundry? When was the last time you washed your sheets? Bro F does laundry for us and every week

What is music like? Does everyone sing? Have you had to help? sucks, the piano is too loud and not many sing or not like home at least

What are some of the local sayings or local "things"? everyone goes to bed when it is dark around 8pm, and they all are missing teeth

What's the scariest thing that has happened so far where you have felt protected? got attached by a dog I guess I was protected by not freaking out and not tasting too good

What do most people do for work? doctors/mixed, it's because of Sacred Heart Hospital

Share how your testimony has grown: testimony is always on a roller coaster our here, and I have used the atonement every day without fail

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