Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Letter - 10/21 {Gregory}

Tuesday 10/13/15 - Hi mom :) Today we went and saw A so that was cool. Then we went and helped our less active neighbor move a couch because he left a note taped to our door asking for help. His name is R and he does really funny art so that was cool. Then we wen tot Brother J's office to discuss the progress of our week. Then we went and got in our service clothes and went to Brother C's to help him do some stuff and he has a really cool house, it's all Danish and stuff and he has a sweet fireplace and yeah, it was cool. I had to crawl under his house though and there were so many spiders haha I saw like ten black widows, creeeepyyy, and there were bones under his house haha, creepy :) Anyways, then we went and helped Brother G move a cabinet and then we went to our apartment to have dinner because today is the last day of the Member Fast! Then we went to the E's and shared a message with them, then we went and saw some people we had to give these papers to so that was cool. Then we went to B's home so I could give her the package to send home to you! yay :) Hopefully you get it! Then we went and saw our neighbor who is a member and talked with him for a bit and he is really cool, he had a really cool story to tell and we talked about Disneyland haha, it was awesome. I love Disneyland and I love you!

Wednesday 10/14/15 - Hi mom - I love you :) So today was a pretty cool day. We went to Brother G's house to help him with his project and did that for awhile. He is super cool. Then we all made lunch together and he made the best guacamole I have ever had like for reals, it was so good :) Then we went to Brother C's to help him move a few things which only took a few minutes then we go ready and went and saw CS. I feel so bad for him because he is like depressed and shy and doesn't think he is good enough for anything but in reality he is like super cool and funny! So yeah, he has never been married or anything so that's sad :( Then we went and had dinner at our apartment (because our Member Meal was lunch with Brother G) and after that we went and saw A and met his brother M - they are both super cool. M is the Mexican form of Nate, it's super funny :) Then it started raining! Cool because it never rains here. So we went and tried seeing a few people bu ton one was home so that was lame up until R. Now R is really cool, he had a really cool story to tell and he related it to the Bible so that was cool. Apparently he got tazed like by six cops all at once and somehow lived so that's crazy. Anyway then we went and saw the N's so Sister N's maiden name is H so she is the sister of the H family down in Santa Barbara. Super nice, cool, and funny family. Anyways, I love you lots mom - you are so totally awesome - thanks for all you do!

Thursday 10/15/15 - So real quick about my day - we had weekly planning and then we went and saw NM and when we got there, well actually right before we go there, someone ran into his fancy gate, so when we got there he was in a really bad mood but he was still cool to us so that was good. Then we went and saw G and got him to commit to coming to church today so that was cool. Then we went and saw L and said a prayer with her. Then we were running behind on schedule and were supposed t go and do service at CS's house so we ended up just going in our shirt & ties so that was cool, haha. Then we went and sw CH and his wife and they are nice. Then we had a lesson with E which was interesting but good. Then we had a late dinner at Sister M's house (the RS Pres) and it took the rest of our night because we had to go in early to finish weekly planning. And to my surprise when I got back to our apartment there were two packages! Yay! One from you ad of course the other from Sabrina :) So a few things about your package - first off it was totally awesome and made my day :) Yay for Halloween! Thanks for my sweatshirt even though I didn't need the pants or sweater or fuzzy socks :) and the cool candy corn socks might be against the rules but I'm still going to wear them on Halloween because they are awesome! Oh, and the tie you sent me is so cool! Yay for ties haha :) Thanks for the two flash drives and SD cards haha even though I said don't get me new ones :) I have more memory than I know what do to with now. And thanks for the GPS - di duo spen money on it? If yes I think it's a little broken like the touch screen sensor is off so should I sent it back to you? And yay for lots of Halloween treats haha - thank you thank you thank you - you're the bestest! I love you :) and yay for having Halloween cookies to make to get in the Halloween spirit :) yay - thanks mommy - you're the best!

Friday 10/16/15 - Hi mommy :) So today we had Zone Meeting down in Goleta which is like an hour away from Solvang haha, so that is poopy but it was nice at the same time. On our way there though a semi-truck kicked something up at our car and put a chip in our window and a dent in our car so that sucks way bad - it scared me way bad too! I got to see Elder Willis at Zone Meeting so that was cool! He says he wants to leave Santa Barbara now that I am gone :) So then after Zone Meeting Elder Stewart (the one in charge of all the cars) told us to find a place to get the rock chip repaired before it got any worse so we spent like all day trying to find a place and when we finally did they wouldn't do it because of the location of the rock chip so that was annoying. Then we grabbed some lunch at the Habit which is always yummy then drove an hour back to Solvang. When we got back we had a huge list of people we had to go see from Brother M and we only had like an hour and a half to go see all of them and somehow we got it all done which was like basically a miracle, so yeah, that was cool :) Thanks for everything mommy, I really miss you but I couldn't be doing this without my cool family's support so thanks! I love you!

Saturday 10/17/15 - Saturdays are long and depressing and long and yeah. We saw tons of people but didn't actually get to teach anyone or anything or sit down because everyone was too busy. So we went and saw S and taught him a lesson which went eh then we went to go eat at this burrito place that Elder Levis tales up saying it had these huge burritos so I was like okay cool, let's do it. Then we paid $9 and got our burritos and they weren't even big haha I was like what are you talking about? You need to go to Gual Bertos or something haha, but they were pretty good so I guess that's cool. Then the rest of our day went like this - we briefly saw C, T, R, E, G, EB (talked for awhile but couldn't sit down because there was no third male). Then the P, then G, then RA this old guy who looks just like the old guy off the movie "up" so that was cool. Then we had dinner with the W's who have a handicap son who is a big deal to BYU Football!  He like led the cheer at some game broadcasted on EPSN a couple years ago! I bet dad knows exactly who I am talking about, his name is AW. Anyway, then we saw CW and then finally the H's. So yeah, long and depressing, it's days like today I just look at the m ion and stars and miss the crap out of you and Sabrina and the fam bam and everything about home haha. It's too bad I didn't realize how blessed I was until of course I was gone and it was too late so I am sorry we didn't hang out more mommy, haha, but thank you so much for everything and all the times we did hang out. If I get hurt and sent home right now the one thing I would have learned is to not take for granted what I have and the blessings in my life like you and dad an dNick and Nate and Garrett and Isaac and Mallory and Sabrina but especially this Gospel. You don't realize how much this Gospel blesses lives and families until you kinda look at the rest of the world and think wow, I could be doing nothing at all with my family right now and still be happier than most people so seriously thanks for everything mommy, I love you lots! Oh and highlight of the day was right before dinner Elder Levis was like telling me how he had been fasting today and how it was really coo that he wasn't like hungry or thirsty or tired and I was like well, duh, you have been drinking water all day and we had burritos haha  definitely a "had to be there moment" now that I think about tit, but yeah, anyway - love you!

Sunday 10/18/15 - So today was good :) We woke up and went to Ward Council which is always good. Then we had church which is always good. We had to teach the lesson in third hour which is always interesting, haha. It went pretty good though I think. Then after church we went and did all our studies and what not then we had dinner at Bishop R's which was cool. Then we went and saw D our investigator from Brazil, she is so funny. Then we went to a Stake Youth Fireside which was actually really good, the best part though was that a ton of people from the Santa Barbara ward were there, so it was super fun seeing all of them and it was really cool to see that they actually liked me and missed me. Sister D was so excited to see me, she gave me a hug, haha, so that's two hugs now. Anyways, yeah, I'm glad I left my mark down in Santa Barbara :) or maybe I just wasn't there long enough to do something stupid and get on all their bad sides. Tomorrow is P-Day which means emails - yay. I log eyou lots mommy. How's everything going back home? Hopefully good!

Monday 10/19/15 - Today was pretty cool, all except for the part where B totally forgot to drop off my package so I am bummed about that but oh well I guess not much we can do now! After email we went to Brother M's home and he fed us lunch and then we went to Sister M's house and she gave me a hair cut so that was cool. Not a Sabrina Bussel hair cut or anything like that but oh well, then for District Activity everyone came down to Solvang! We went to the Ostrich Farm haha and fed ostriches, then we went into town and got some ableskievers and ice cream (best ice cream I have ever had) I had churro con lech it was so yummy. Then everyone left and me and Elder Levis went to - wait for it - wrestling practice!! haha Brother J invited us so we went and it was totally awesome. Then after that we went and gave this C lady a blessing because she had a really bad fall and then we went to go see T again, a less active and turns out he moved out and a different less active family moved in who need help moving (miracle) :) Then we went and saw R and had a good lesson with him and yeah anyways I love you lots mom - you're my bestest friend :) I'm going to mail this and try and figure out the B situation later :)

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