Monday, October 12, 2015

Email - 10/12 {Garrett}

Okay so I don't have my journal with me so this is going to be off the top of my head... so bear with me on this one! hahaha but not much happened this week (interesting week though and I write you the bad stuff because it adds more to write about so sorry you'll have to bear with it.. hahaha)

Mon- we played marshmellow dodgeball and mostly normal p-day stuff. P-days are some of our most busy days. Tuesday was transfers and they were crazy!!!! I stayed in the same place with same comp.. love the place..YSA moved in with us and it's packed! and they are messy so I gotta work on that and get them to clean up after themselves hahahaha sound like my mom.. :) but they are both from Vernal, UT and so they relate easy. So we spent most the day cleaning the apartment.

Tue- was the day we had to actually move in the Elders so we spent a lot of time doing that. Ummm some stuff that is an everyday usual thing= squirrels everywhere, stray cats, roads don't last here so they are really bad,  up higher is all doctors that work at the hospital, sun rise and sets are amazing here!!!! I set up my bed so I can watch the sunrise in my bed when I wake up so it's awesome! 

Wed- nothing happened besides Bro F's dog almost ate me hahaha, she gets so mad when we come over at night because she is half blind  and so ever since I got bit by a dog all dogs make me jump, it's pretty funny I wish I could watch myself jump because I think it's funny, but I hate it all at the same time! So now I get her a treat every time so she likes me again hahahaha. 

Sat- We were out walking finally because my comp's foot healed up enough! The first couple of people we talked to were not the elect you could say, so I just try to make everyone's day at least and so we get walking more and he was like "what are you doing talk to those people about the gospel?" and "I could tell they weren't gonna care about it at the moment', so we argued about that and then he didn't talk until after I talked to like 10 people that were either super ready or super crazy and fun to talk to. One family came up to us and asked us where our church was because they just moved in and wanted to come, so they are solid investigators! And I was like to my comp. "hey I'm on fire right now and you can't just sit back and be awkward, you're scaring people away and he finally realized what he was doing was childish and got over it and we had a solid day the rest of the day! I figured out that day that God has me here because I'm me and I shouldn't change because I'm a missionary I need to put the gospel in the front of my interests and then people will talk to you and it's actually a solid conversation!!! Ever since I started to do it I have had so much more success finding people and it's a ton more fun!!
Sun- Straight up met this crazy guy at the park hahaha and he was talking to us and the started yelling and rambling off about how he heard a cd and it talked about the Bible is wrong "THE BIBLE IS WRONG!!!!" he kept yelling at us hahaha and then he took his jumping dog and blind dog and moved on I was laughing so hard!!! hahahahha

That was pretty much it! love you guys so much more than the world!!! miss you guys!
Love Elder Lamb

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