Monday, October 5, 2015

Email - 10/05 {Garrett}

Today I got a massage so that was sick!!! I knew we should have done that for a dance activity, so worth it! hahahha missionaries get hooked up! hahaha 

Mon 28- P-day! went to Manito Park and played Frisbee hahaha everyone knows who is from Utah and who isn't just by playing that hahahha super funny! One Elder got hit in the middle of the throat by the Frisbee hahahaha it was an accident so no worries hahaha, it was so funny I was crying laughing at him. It gets intense with games. We also cooked up hot dogs for lunch so that was sweet! Also lots of snacks and the cookies there were Grant's family's cookies so that was cool! Went to Japaneses gardens in Manito Park and that was way cool and pretty! We were so busy we had to skip dinner, didn't have enough time so that was a fun day!

Tue 29- Slow day but did help an investigator P, way funny guy that is into old cars and loves to talk! We helped him make a ramp up to the second level in his garage and drag cabinets up it! So that was fun! I think he had every tool you could think of. We had a solid lesson with the J's and committed them to watch General Conf. then found out Bro J has a pirate tattoo and it's way sick hahahha. Then my comp and team teacher (members from the ward) got mad at me for thinking it was cool hahaha, hey what can I say, it was cool!

Wed 30- Had district meeting Elder Aguilar is leaving so he said his testimony and it was super powerful! I hope I can have one like that at the end of my mission! He said it wasn't the best two years but it was the best two years for him to progress so I thought that was interesting and cool! Then went to see D because she got anti-Mormon-ed  when I was on exchanges so we went back there and fixed everything and she is back to investigating so that's really good! AKA I don't get anti-ed hahhaha. We did service cutting wood and weeded Manito park, I thought I would get out of weeding for two years and little did I know I'm doing it more hahahha

Thur 1 Oct- Was A WAY SICK DAY! We went to a spacial meeting for all the leaders of the mission and the weird thing is I'm new and not a leader so it was cool to be there! Everyone keep saying I'm gonna be district leader so I might have to accept it and do what the Lord wants me to do!.... but the meeting was crazy! Some missionaries took it to heart which wasn't good because some were crying, but pretty much Pres. threw down because things weren't being done right! and I said AMEN!! hahaha so now we do things how Preach My Gospel says to do and already I can see it working and having more success! So pretty much I already love the Pres! Some missionaries are kinda mad because they don't understand how to do things anymore and I say read PMG hahaha, so hopefully things go as planned ,how it's supposed to go because there is a lot more "govern yourself" so hopefully missionaries don't take advantage of it... Talked to Sis. H and she is struggling and having bad nightmares...

Fri 2 Oct-Started weekly planning how it's supposed to be and it went completely different but really good! Our whole day had eventful stuff so we were blessed greatly by doing it the way the Lord wants! Biggest event that impacted me was visiting M in the VA home and my heart just opened up to him!!! It was so sad to hear about how no one visit him beside his wife and us not even the church he belonged to visit him so it really made everything worth it!! We also gave Sis. H a blessing and it was way sick but I was so nervous! At the beginning I had no idea what to say so I just followed Dad's advise and say the simple things that are good about them and then I finally relaxed and was able to listen to the Spirit and it was way cool! I guess it went pretty well because she was almost crying after when she said thanks which is way cool because she is one tough cookie! Kinda like my momma! hahahha But she is way funny when she roasts people so she later at the end of the lesson roasted my Comp. hahahha, me and her get along great!!

Sat 3- General Conf. aka the Missionary Super Bowl! hahahhaa I don't know if it was super short this time or if it was because i was actually paying attention hahahha but I loved it got a ton out of it about faith, atonement and love but the biggest was how important family is especially the women! So that was really cool! Pres. Monson almost died while he was talking so that wasn't good on Sunday... (side note don't know what day it was but I was crying on the ground laughing with Brother F and his dog barking at us because of my comp's innocence!!! hahaha it was classic!) Met a New Investigator so that was cool, straight up said he was a drunk so he knows he needs to change but doesn't want to find the time to and doesn't realize this message can help him! hopefully the spirit can work on him!

Sun 4- General Conf. #2 went by just as fast, amazing what happens when you enjoy something hahaha. We had an amazing chance to go to a baptism and it was super cool! It was the last time Elder Aguliar did it and the Spirit was super strong in every talk that was given! Then during wet time I had the chance to teach the Restoration (first lesson) with Elder Terry (who is my favorite, always learn a ton from him!) and it was the first time I have truly felt the Spirit really strong while teaching! I learned it's not so much that I need to teach the lessons, I need to testify the lesson so they know I know it's true and it works way better! I learned you can't convince someone of something, you can only testify of it and the Spirit does the rest! Transfers came and I'm staying in the same place and same comp. and my comp. is Zone Leader and District Leader so that will be interesting, still wondering why I went to the special meeting for leaders though, hahaha oh well, I don't have to worry about other missionaries and I can focus on the work!

That was my week! IT WAS SUPER SPIRITUAL!

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