Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Letter - 10/07 {Gregory}

Monday 9/28/15 - today was my P-Day - emails between you and me were awesome but not between me and Sabrina because she was too busy being awesome haha. So today we had a zone activity BBQ at Goleta Beach Park and then we went to UCSB in Isla Vista to go to a big field and play frisbee and it wa so awesome, haha. Total college town :) Sorority homes everywhere and just yeah, super duper cool and fun - and frisbee was fun. I forget to take pictures haha oops. Anyways, then we went and had dinner with the K's and it was awesome. They are an awesome family, they have a baby daughter though who is deaf, it was solo heart breaking :( Then we went and saw J and pretty much just set up a return appointment so that was lame, but yeah, today was pretty fun for the most part - and UCSB is awesome.

Tuesday 9/29/15 - Today we did a lot so I am having a hard time remembering what I did. We had a lesson with L which is always good except for the fact that she started smoking again, freaking lame :( Then we went an dmet MW who is JW's daughter (the guy who gave me the book about his life) and she was super duper funny, hopefully we start teaching her. Then we went to PV's which is always cool. Then we went and visited Sister S who is awesome. Just a super nice funny old lady, she talked our ears off! Then we came back to our apartment and had a super short dinner because we had to go help the B's move! So we stayed there and helped until 7:00pm because we then had a lesson with the J's which of course they didn't show up to, dang, so annoying. So instead we went and had an awesome meeting with the Bishop and came up with a lot of ideas on how to get the ward more involved with missionary work! So yeah, that was my day - oh and when I was writing in my journal Elder Willis like almost blew up our apartment! haha - he stuck a knife on like an electrical wire and it like blew up and all our power went off, haha, it was super duper funny :) anyways, that was my exciting day!

Wednesday 9/30/15 - Hi mommy :) I love you :) How is the rest of the fam bam? Today was cool because we did lots of service and I decided that I hate finding people to teach and I hate teaching gin general so yeah, service is totally way awesome and yea :) I wish I could do more all the time. So we had to leave studies early to go finish helping the B's move from like 10-1 then we went  to the D's to finish helping them and they fed us some Rusty's Pizza which was cool. And then while doing service we found this huge freaky any looking thing and it's nasty and you know me haha of course that means I caught it :) so now it is our pet in our apartment (which is technically against the rules) and it is eating some cheerios, pretty cool, huh? I have pictures I will send - anyways, so after doing service we went and had a lesson with L which is always cool. If only she would quit breaking the commandments :) Then we had dinner with Sister K and she and Elder Willis went off on a tangent about "spirit energies" haha weird. Then somehow motorcycles got brought up so then she went off on a tangent about that saying I was selfish to drive a motorcycle and stuff, yank, classic mom stuff :) Then after we went and tried seeing KR but he is being lame right now so that didn't work out so then we went home early to finish our studies and yeah, if i could do this much service everyday then that would be totally awesome. If only if only, right? I probably should have left a note letting them know teaching is not my thing but oh well too late now I guess :) and who knows it probably wouldn't have changed much, right? Anyways hopefully your day was awesome - I love you!

Thursday 10/1/15 - Today we had a lesson with L and Sister M came with and we talked about the atonement and it went really good. Then we went and met this E guy and he was pretty cool! Loved talking though that's for sure, haha. Then we met with MT which is always cool! Oh and today I saw a spider! Yano the three wheel cars all over Draper? So that was cool! Anyway, then we went to the H's for dinner and they have the cutest daughters, a 5 year old and then a set of twins who are 3! They all sang us songs after dinner and it was seriously so so cute!

Friday 10/2/15 - We had our last District Meeting together because transfer calls are tomorrow! So that was pretty cool and what not. Then we went and idd service for the D's which was cool, then we went and did service for JC which was cool! Then we had a lesson with L which went really good because Brother N was there and pretty much just told her what she needed to do and yeah, it went really good! Then we went to dinner with the U's. Then we went to se S and give him the emergency info he asked us for and when we got there he was watching the BYU game haha, it made me really miss watching sports and competing and all that fun stuff, haha, so that sucks but oh well. Then we met the Los Olivas Elders at our apartment and gave them a rol of toilet paper because they ran out, haha. I love you mom and tell the fam bam I love them too! Transfer calls tomorrow!

Saturday 10/3/15 - So we woke up and received out call about transfers! Drum roll please......I'm going to Solvang! No idea what to expect but oh well I guess! Then we went to the Stake Center to watch General Conference which was awesome then after the morning session we all went to lunch together and then we watched the afternoon session which was awesome of course. Then after that we went and had a lesson with L and she is on the border of giving up, super sad, but the lesson went good so we will see. Then we went to Priesthood Session which was awesome of course :) But made me really miss going with dad haha, I guess you just don't realize what you have until it is gone! So I'm excited to come home in two years and go with the family again :) Anyways, then we had dinner with the D's which was cool, they fed us really yummy Chinese food so that was cool :) and yeah! Exciting day, huh? I loved Elder Holland's talk about moms - haha, I love you mom, thanks for everything!

Sunday 10/4/15 - So today was Sunday and General Conference - so that was cool :) We woke up and went to the Stake Center to watch the morning session and then after that we went to the L's home to have a lesson with L since the L's had her over and it went really good!! Then the L's fed us lunch which was cool haha but then we were totally late to the afternoon session, haha, we missed like half of Elder Christofferson's talk so that sucks but oh well! Then we went home after that and did our studies and had dinner and I just took a nap because a) I was super tired and B) I'm getting fat :) haha - then we went and met with Brother N and he was like actually bummed that I was leaving, haha, made me feel special :) Had a ton of nice things to say like I'm mature for my age :) and he left me with a prayer to bless me and yeah, it was very nice of him and yeah, I'm gonna miss him - he is a good Ward Mission Leader!! Then after that we went and saw KR and then we went and saw MH and yeah, very exciting :) So I guess yeah, I'll be sending this letter tomorrow, hopefully ou haven't sen tme anything I haven't gotten yet because that would really suck really bad :) I love you lots mommy! Can you believe I have been gone for almost two months? That's crazy! Tell the family I love them especially Dad :) How is everything going? Hopefully good - How is Garret? Anyways, yeah, I love you lots! Can't wait to email tomorrow!

Monday 10/5/15 - So since I'm not going to mail this until tomorrow I guess I can tell you about my day :) I got your letter so that's good! Good for Isaac and Mallory and Nate and Garrett and you :) Keep Mallory in soccer! She will be so good at it! Anyways, so about my Monday :) We got to email which is always awesome! Then we came and I packed up for Solvang and holy smokes I have soooo much stuff it's crazy! Then after that we went to the church to sign each other's (all of us in our District) shout out journals! While we were doing that though the craziest thing happened. So I don't know if I'm allowed to like tell you this kind of stuff but I'm going to anyways :) So the BJ lady came into the church crying and asking to see the Bishop and saying she needed a blessing so after we called he tad us just to give it so after talking with her she said she needed us to cast out an evil spirit from her we gave her the blessing then she asked us to come to her house and cast out the evil spirit from her house. I did not like it nope nope nope! Anyways so then we finished signing each other's shout out journals after that whole dealio. Then after that we came and got ready and then had dinner with the S's and then we went and saw L for the last time! Super sad but hopefully she gets baptized so I'll see her again :) anyway - I love you lots mom!


When was the last time you laughed with your comp & why? What makes you laugh in your area? Just barely because we said we didn't laugh or when he got the call that he was the new District Leader or the crazy people here

What has your mission president been doing to inspire the mission? he is just super inspired haha, everything he does influences this mission! He is awesome!

When was the last time you saw an answer to prayer? every single question I went into General Conference with got answered, it was crazy :)

What d you like about your companion? He is very hard working and likes to tell jokes and stuff

Are there any inside jokes in your mission? haha no idea, I've only been here for not that long, I don't think there is anything

How are your clothes & feet holding up? my feet are doing good!  I think my clothes are fine, a string here & there but nothing big

Have you found any new investigators from your area book? nope - but oh well, maybe in Solvang!

What was your ave meal from members so far? probably the restaurants Brother N took us to!

Are there street vendors in your area? nope, not really...

What has been your fave P-Day activity? probably frisbee at Goleta Beach Park!

Do you do a lot of serve? Like What? yes, it's awesome! Helping members move or yard work or yeah, it's awesome!

How many progressing investigators do you have right now? Just L

How much do you work on retention in our area? Are there a lot of less active members? Yes, sooo much less active work here

What is your fave smell in your area? Least fave? haha it's just either a fresh smell or it smells like cigarettes

How often do you do laundry? When was the last time you washed your sheets? every P-Day, haven't washed them yet - we do laundry at a complex at our apartment

What is music like in your ward? Does everyone sing? Have you had to help? nope nope nope nope...haha but oh well, it's cool

What are some of the local sayings? everything here is "local" the stores and shops and stuff

What's the scariest thing that has happened so far where you have felt protected? driving - should have died like ten times so far

What do most people do for work? all are either doctors, dentists, or business owners

Share with us how your testimony has grown: it's made what i already know more solid and has helped me learn and know so much more, lots of strength because of it!

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