Thursday, November 5, 2015

Letter - 11/05 {Garrett}

Hey Fam!

Sounds like everything is going great back home! Glad Grandma got to go on that trip! Super jealous I want to go on one of those. Also so ready to go rock climbing again. I love the weekly emails with the pics, lots of other moms barely write anything! I would get so bored so keep it up! But looks like Sabrina is a part of the family now, she is over just as much as Greg was, haha. But that's super cool that she is planning on a mission! Tell her to write/email me about it and why she decided to do it! I want details! haha but it's raining today, Spokane is funny, every year around the end of Oct the temp drops like a rock! Or at least that's what everyone says here. Is it getting cold fast back home? But even though the temp is dropping it's still normal fall around here. Leaves are still dropping, some trees are out of leaves and some are just starting to change so it's pretty fun walking around! Also just got my bike out for the first time the other day. Other than that the work has been the same, still working on the same old train, need to find a way to speed it up! haha any ideas? Hope you all had a Happy Halloween! Love you all a ton!

PS - letters make the days go by so much faster! I love them and especially the packages!

PSx2 - it's starting to get cold - and that coat would be nice haha


How is life where you are different from back home? everyone is missing teeth, cats everywhere and squirrels, a lot more trees, a lot more green, people build around trees here, white people don't like us

How is life the same? yeah but people aren't as fun, they just live with no purpose

What books do you use for study time? BoM, PMG

How big are the wards? 160 members

Explain your "area" to me: 1 ward, 2 missionaries per ward

What do you love most about where you are living? lots of trees so fall is super pretty

What is something new you have learned to eat & like? rice (cheap)

In what way have you seen God at work lately? Everyday, stopped us from walking somewhere, get nice people to talk to us

What has been the most challenging thing lately? Dealing w/comp, missing home, and being able to do fun things

What are some crazy things about life there? don't know, nothing is much different

What are some of your hopes? to become a better man and find the people I'm meant to find out here, and not be a weird missionary when I come back

How have you readjusted your hope after being in the field for 2 months now? kinda but not really

How is missionary life different than you thought it would be? a lot more boring work than actual working - when we work (hard) it's fun so I love service! But the work isn't hard, it's not having loved ones close by and people to play/laugh/and do crazy things with...

How is missionary life the same as you thought it would be? lots of talking, walking, and study

Story #1
umm exchanges are sweet, last one was with Elder Lenning (Marshalese) we had an awesome time! 5 lessons in one day! 1 was Sister H, she is my favorite! Almost to W.ofW., just reviewed to gain a testimony and Joseph Smith! Almost got her :) Next was A-L, A was drunk so that was funny, he remembered a lot from it. Next was M in the V home. Really touching when we go there. No one else visits him but his wife, she doesn't like us but we go anyway. Finally got in with the Y family. We had a solid lesson at the church w/J who is solid, I'm positive he's going to get baptized! I loved the day because two "greenies" went out and we got work done! It was sick!

Story #2
Woke up 2x early in the morning last week, once by a dog getting run over and the other a drunk lady - she ran out into the street trying to get run over yelling and screaming "I'm gonna die, F you people" then went to go and rip out the street sign. Fire, police, and medical all came at 2am and put her in a white straight jacket and took her away. Then the lady downstairs who has a drug business going on knocked on our door and needed a plunger haha, there are so many crazy people around here, one guy where we serve lunch at looks like the joker but no makeup, haha.

Story #3
We were walking home one night and got this feeling of "you need to get home ASAP" so we were walking back and ran into this spot where we knew we shouldn't go so we had to go around it which was another 1/2 a mile to get home but we didn't DIE so that's all that matters! The whole way home I got the chills nonstop besides when I was taking to someone. Crazy night!

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