Monday, November 9, 2015

Email - 11/09 {Garrett}

Howdy!!! So real quick today was an interesting day, hahaha we did laundry because Bro F was out of town and the dryers don't work or something is wrong haha but pretty much we have clothes all over our apartment spread out to dry, hahahaha, so this morning was a fail! And it's been raining for the last half of the week so it's wet but I love it because we get into so many more doors and I get to dance and mess around in the rain while we walk to houses! I don't think people like us coming in because I got so wet! hahaha but I was warm because of the new jacket!! So thank you Mommy!! It works great!! and I like the look of it so that's always a bonus!! 

2 Mon- P-day!! I got on Momma S's good side which is crazy because she hates all elders hahaha straight up will throw a giant rock at you! hahaha but mostly got on the good side because we like the same candy so she is hooking me up! But after 6 not much happened until later at night when we went and gave a blessing to Bro M's sister who was going to pick up her kids right after finishing General Conference and got hit by a drunk driver! She almost lost both of her legs!!! Satan does a lot to convince people to not trust God but she was laughing and as happy as can be! I think giving her a blessing was more to show her daughter who is about to get baptized what the Priesthood can do!!! We also gave a baby a blessing who was having lung problems and wasn't breathing out and the mother a blessing and it was super sad, apparently she had that happen before! Super sad!!

3 Tue- Exchanges! with Elder Rebulkin! Super solid day! 3 member lessons and 1 less active lesson and a new investigator named L!!! and two service events raking leaves up which was a ton and put them into a trailer and the lady lost her phone in the bottom middle of the pile so I had to jump in and dig for it for half an hour, hahaha, so that was fun. I was laughing the whole time which wasn't the best because she was pretty stressed out hahahaha whoops. Oh well, hahaha... and we served food at the Catholic charity for homeless people and that's always fun and we get fed too, so hey not too bad!! I found out when you actually get along with your comp. work gets done! It's amazing!! hahaha 

4 Wed- finally got into the F fam! But only the husband was there and we talked about his guns he had which were super cool! and then talked about BOM then got fed by the M family and they invited someone over and got stood up haha, aka story of every missionary's life!  AND taught M and it was a weird lesson because we went in with a plan and my comp changed it up so we actually taught the 2 second lesson which wasn't too bad because she needed it but she needs both so that was the problem but it worked out really good! Then we went to the R's (who are white p.s.) and saw her in the window. I waved to her and she closed the blinds after staring at us, hahaha, and so we knocked and some random lady (who was black p.s.) answered and told us she wasn't there. Whoops! hahahaha so that was funny. I was laughing in front of the lady and she knew we knew she was home so she got a "I feel dumb now" look on her face hahaha

5 Thur-helped move Sis. C out of the Phoenix and found a new move in there at the same time. We are always working in that halfway home, it's super sad... but they need us so we do it happily. Went on exchanges with Bro Rand gave a blessing to a less active lady that we have been trying to get into forever so that was good! Sad she has cancer now... don't smoke kids it ain't worth it! hahahaha my comp. taught J who is making small steps but they are forward, that's what matters. We found out a member is moving out of the ward which sucks because he is super solid at teaching with us!! And found a new investigator from an online referral and she was interesting, might be really against our church just don't know yet, she was hiding it but signs were coming up...

6 Fri- Zone training aka pointless, all I got from that 4 hour meeting was "forget yourself and go to work" but it was good because that's what i needed to hear! Missionaries have been complaining about so many rules and trying to change it with the new president but really they are just being selfish and it's super dumb! So the saying goes really well with all of their problems! Also think people have forgot their part as a missionary and putting themselves before the Lord and an Elder who can barely speak English that well told me that and made me realize that you need to stay to the basics!! It was kinda funny because he understands but all these others who have been out for a long time kinda drifted away from where they need to be. But we got in with Sis. R and she knows she needs to come to church but she just won't do it yet, but we will get her there next week!

7 Sat- went and helped Red Cross set up times to put up smoke alarms in homes and a camera man followed my group so hey, I might be on tv! So look it up online and let me know if I am!! hahaha and a guy thought I was breaking into his house when I put the door hanger on his doorknob so that was fun! He had a bad mouth hahaha, but we had a solid lesson with C and A at the M home and he is progressing so well!! It was a really spiritual lesson!!! Almost got him on date, though, not yet but he will be! And we taught M again, she always feeds us when we go over there! hahaha She thinks we are her adopted sons so it's funny to go over there! You just have to shove the food down to make her happy hahaha. Then we helped Sis. C finish her move and she is now out of the Phoenix for sure and on her own which is really good!! And still in our ward!! 

8 Sun- Rain! Rain! Rain! I love it!!! So we walked all day today and we got really wet and got into a lot more homes! So it was a fun day!!! We got into a lot of people but the best one was with J and we taught the BOM which was a really good lesson. If he wasn't so focused on the game and would actually read already!!!

But that's pretty much the week - had a lot of fun! and success tpo! Love you guys so much!
Love Elder Garrett Lamb!!

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